If You Were Busy Being Kind

If You Were Busy Being Kind
If You Were Busy Being Kind

If you were busy being kind,
Before you knew it you would find
You’d soon forget to think ’twas true
That someone was unkind to you.

If you were busy being glad
And cheering people who seem sad,
Although your heart might ache a bit,
You’d soon forget to notice it.

If you were busy being good,
And doing just the best you could,
You’d not have time to blame some man
Who’s doing just the best he can.

If you were busy being true
To what you know you ought to do,
You’d be so busy you’d forget
The blunders of the folks you’ve met.

If you were busy being right,
You’d find yourself too busy quite
To criticize your brother long,
Because he’s busy being wrong.

-R. Foreman

If You Were Busy Being Kind

If you were busy being kind,
Before you knew it you would find
You’d soon forget to think ’twas true
That someone was unkind to you.

If you were busy being glad
And cheering people who seem sad,
Although your heart might ache a bit,
You’d soon forget to notice it.

If you were busy being good,
And doing just the best you could,
You’d not have time to blame some man
Who’s doing just the best he can.

If you were busy being true
To what you know you ought to do,
You’d be so busy you’d forget
The blunders of the folks you’ve met.

If you were busy being right,
You’d find yourself too busy quite
To criticize your brother long,
Because he’s busy being wrong.

~ R. ForemanIf You Were Busy Being Kind

If you were busy being kind,
Before you knew it you would find
You’d soon forget to think ’twas true
That someone was unkind to you.

If you were busy being glad
And cheering people who seem sad,
Although your heart might ache a bit,
You’d soon forget to notice it.

If you were busy being good,
And doing just the best you could,
You’d not have time to blame some man
Who’s doing just the best he can.

If you were busy being true
To what you know you ought to do,
You’d be so busy you’d forget
The blunders of the folks you’ve met.

If you were busy being right,
You’d find yourself too busy quite
To criticize your brother long,
Because he’s busy being wrong.

-R. Foreman

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    • John
    • July 1, 2011

    Thanks, Shawn,

    Happy Canada Day to you and yours! We are getting ready for the 4th of July weekend down here, just totally hot and dry, that’s the weather this time of year.

    Thanks again for sending me your happy thoughts on a regular basis,they always bring a smile to me when I see them in my email box.

    John T. Thornton

    1. Reply

      Ah, Texas, right? Yeah, it’s hot up here too, but nowhere near as hot as it must be down in TX. It was nice; had a big BBQ at a friend’s house, then fireworks. What you planning? Thanks for your kind feedback. 🙂

    • Sarah
    • July 2, 2011

    So Nice!

    I’d love to have that as a wall plaque in my home 🙂

    • Ted Thurston
    • July 2, 2011

    Nice poem, one to help us all keep on track.
    Thanks for sharing this.

    • Lee
    • July 23, 2011

    Hi Shawn,
    If indeed we are so busy doing things for others, there is not time to notice the bad things that do exist. The minute we sit down to take a rest I bet thoughts come in flooding our brains and we notice some of the things that are not quite the best or could be done differently, if only! Maybe is best we do all keep busy! Smile!

    I enjoyed reading the poem there is much wisdom to the though….

    • d.srinidhi
    • July 25, 2011


    • kamla kumari
    • November 27, 2012

    your poem is very touchy and meaningful of life style…….really its so good to read. thank you so much for making such a funtabulous thoughts…thank you so much. lots of luv ….

    • Joan Dillingham
    • December 19, 2019

    I’m going to get busy LORD PLEASE HELP ME

      • shawn
      • December 26, 2019

      That’s great, Joan! That’s exactly what we want to hear. How’s it going with that so far? 🙂

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