Your Name – Poem

If you’ve been following this blog for a number of years (ie. from years ago when I would post things 3 times a week), you’ll know I’m partial to Edgar Guest poems.

Here’s one I’d never seen before; it’s about honoring the family name you’ve received.



You got it from your father. ‘Twas the best he had to give,
And right gladly he bestowed it–it is yours the while you live.
You may lose the watch he gave you and another you may claim.
But remember, when you’re tempted, to be careful of his name.

It was fair the day you got it and a worthy name to wear.
When he took it from his father, there was no dishonor there;
Through the years he proudly wore it, to his father he was true,
And that name was clean and spotless when he passed it on to you.

Oh, there’s much he has given that he values not at all.
He has watched you break your playthings in the days that you were small,
And you’ve lost the knife he gave you and you’ve scattered many a game
But you’ll never hurt your father if you’re careful of his name.

It is yours to wear forever, yours to wear the while you live,
Yours, perhaps, some distant morning to another boy to give,
And you’ll smile as did your father smile above that baby there,
If a clean name and a good name you are giving him to wear.

-Edgar A. Guest

Inspiring, right?  Any thoughts, questions or comments?  Please mention them in the comments section below.  Bye for now.


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Cleanliness Quotes


    • ashok
    • March 10, 2015

    it is a wonderful poem… literally and meaning ful

    • David Parrish
    • March 10, 2015

    Greetings once again Shawn, I am glad you are still around and posting. I like this poem event though it seems to me that, to many, keeping one’s name clean doesn’t seem to matter quite as much as it use to. Perhaps things like the privacy act and the easy in which one can conduct one’s affairs anonymously just about everywhere one goes, the pressure to live with integrity isn’t at the premium level as it use to be. None the less, I appreciate the conclusion of this poem which resounds as a warning to the foolish. Look into the eyes of your children and grand children and tell them that they can be proud of the name they are going to bear.

    God bless

    1. Reply

      Thanks, David, for your insightful comments on this poem; I’m sure that in your line of work, you get the chance to see people living up to their names, as well as some people who let their names down. I assume you’ve also kept a copy of it to read at some future speaking engagement, right? Pass it on. 🙂 Anyway, happy to hear from you. I always enjoy your feedback.

    • Alvandre
    • March 11, 2015

    Its a good poem but my mother gave me my name not my father

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